Day One
Read introduction to Acts
Read Acts 1: 1-11
· We’re immediately struck by “began to do and teach,” right? Right? Why does this phrase set our mind a-going?
· According to vv.2, 3, what was Jesus doing between his Resurrection and being ‘taken up’?
· What’s another way of saying ‘taken up’?
· Vv. 6, 7 - What were the apostles thinking about? Was Jesus happy to satisfy their curiosity? What do you think: if we are so eager to know ‘how long? – then why doesn’t God tell us?
· V. 8 – What is a witness? Are we supposed to be witnesses? If so, is our witness the same as the apostles’ witness?
Day Two
Read different introduction to Acts
Read Acts 1:12-26
· V. 14 - What did the apostles do as they waited for the Holy Spirit? Could we find a general principle here?
· V. 14 – You’ll have to think: what did Luke intend when he mentioned that they prayed “with one accord”?
· V. 18 – “Bowels gushed out” – could this detail be another confirmation that God is concerned with piquing the interest of teenage boys?
· [Bonus and deep questions] – Why do you think that the apostles wanted to be sure there were still twelve of them? Was it wise for them to choose another apostle?
Day Three
Read Acts 2: 1-13
· Do you recall ever hearing a “mighty, rushing wind”?
· Add to the impressive noise the “divided tongues as of fire,” and consider this question: what did these phenomena imply about the coming of the Holy Spirit? [Relevant, leading question coming up]: What/who does the Church need more than any other source of power?
· Why did God enable the apostles to speak in these different languages? What new thing was he doing?
· V. 12 – What were the apostles speaking about? What is your guess as to the specifics?
· The coming of the Holy Spirit is the beginning of the Church, and these testimonies coming through amped up linguistics were the first proclamations of gospel to the world. V. 13 – But what other, ugly first do we also see? What does this say about people’s openness to God?
Day Four
Read Acts 2:14-41
· Just from looking over the passage, you’ll see that there are three instances of what in this first sermon? Write down one observation from this observation.
· Why is v. 23 so intriguing?
· V. 36 is the great conclusion to the first Christian sermon, and it becomes the theme of the remainder of Acts’ sermons. What is it?
· V. 38 – What was the fitting response to Peter’s words? Have you done this, in this order?
Day Five
Read Acts 2:42-47
· If you’re reading this on a Sunday, you have the opportunity today to continue the 2000-year-old practices mentioned here. Don’t break the chain! What are the four elements listed in v. 42?
· Acts is written narratively, which means that we’re not told whether what is being recorded is good, bad or ugly. What do you think of the practice in 44 and 45? Whether or not you endorse the exact practice, is there any kernel of good you can pull out and imitate?
· V. 46 – “Received their food with glad and generous hearts” – what does this mean and why did Luke throw that in there?
Day Six
Read Acts 3: 1-10
· Another first in the history of the Church – first ___________________. Try pulling out some general ingredients of this foundational episode that get to the heart of what God is doing in the Church. List three:
· V. 4 – “Directed his gaze at him” – a little detail, suggesting what? And then let me ask you, do you look at people, I mean, really look?
· If Peter, in the name of Jesus Christ, can strengthen feet and ankles, could he not have also. by the same authority, produced some moolah for the beggar? What’s the takeaway that he didn’t?
· Even if it’s Monday morning, hopefully this little scene before you today leads you to be grateful for the ability and opportunity to do work.
Day Seven
Read Acts 3:11-26
· V. 12 – Is Peter basking in the glory, or rather _____________ [Another softball question!] What does this say about mode of ministry?
· VV. 13-15 – what would say is the thrust of Peter’s words here? From 1-10, how would you rate Peter’s boldness?
· V. 17 – Peter says that the crowd and the rulers of Israel, in crucifying Jesus, acted in ________________. This gets me a ‘thinking. You too? Were they then not culpable for what they had done? Of what exactly were they ignorant? Was ignorance a result of their wickedness or did it engender the wickedness?
· V. 19 – There’s that R word again. What exactly does it mean?
· V. 20 – Times of refreshing – when are those times? Are you getting any of that? What do you think Peter means by “send the Christ appointed for you…”?
· V. 22 and following: Jesus is referred to as a what?
· V. 26 – “Sent him to you first” – who is the you here?